text-classification pytorch bert

What is Ekman Emotions?

Ekman emotions refer to a specific set of six basic emotions that are thought to be universal across cultures. </br> These emotions were identified by psychologist Paul Ekman, who conducted extensive research on facial expressions and emotional experience. </br>

The six Ekman emotions are:

Ekman's research found that these emotions are expressed through universal facial expressions, which are recognizable across cultures. </br> According to Ekman, these emotions are biologically based and are fundamental to human social interaction. </br> Ekman's work on basic emotions has had a significant impact on the field of psychology and has been widely influential in the study of emotional expression and experience.


from transformers import pipeline

ekman = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', model='arpanghoshal/EkmanClassifier')

ekman_labels = ekman("Thanks for using it.")
