pytorch diffusers stable-diffusion text-to-image diffusion-models-class dreambooth-hackathon science


This is a Stable Diffusion model fine-tuned on Mandelbrot fractal images for the DreamBooth Hackathon 🔥 science theme. To participate or learn more, visit this page.

To generate Mandelbrot fractals, use a photo of mafra fractal in the shape of [your choice] or experiment with other variations. CFG scale seems to be the best around 8-9. Additional modifiers and negative prompts may also improve results.


a photo of mafra fractal in the shape of a squid. squid fractal a photo of mafra fractal in the shape of seashells. seashell fractal a photo of mafra fractal in the shape of jungle foliage. jungle fractal a photo of mafra fractal in the shape of a beautiful flower. flower fractal


from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

pipeline = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained('baruga/mandelbrot-fractals')
image = pipeline().images[0]