model_cls_name:SCVI scvi_version:0.0.0 anndata_version:0.8.0 modality:rna modality:protein annotated:False


This is a demo model trained on synthetic data.

Model properties

Many model properties are in the model tags. Some more are listed below.


    "n_hidden": 128,
    "n_latent": 10,
    "n_layers": 1,
    "dropout_rate": 0.1,
    "dispersion": "gene",
    "gene_likelihood": "zinb",
    "latent_distribution": "normal"


    "layer": null,
    "batch_key": null,
    "labels_key": null,
    "size_factor_key": null,
    "categorical_covariate_keys": null,
    "continuous_covariate_keys": null


Summary Stat Key Value
n_batch 1
n_cells 400
n_extra_categorical_covs 0
n_extra_continuous_covs 0
n_labels 1
n_vars 100


Registry Key scvi-tools Location
X adata.X
batch adata.obs['_scvi_batch']
labels adata.obs['_scvi_labels']

model_parent_module: scvi.model

data_is_latent: False

Training data

This is an optional link to where the training data is stored if it is too large to host on the huggingface Model hub.

<!-- This field is required for models that haven't been minified by converting to latent mode. See the scvi-tools documentation for more details. -->

Training data url: N/A

Training code

This is an optional link to the code used to train the model.

Training code url: N/A


None. This is a demo model trained on synthetic data.