Model Card for mT5-base-HunSum-1

The mT5-base-HunSum-1 is a Hungarian abstractive summarization model, which was trained on the SZTAKI-HLT/HunSum-1 dataset. The model is based on google/mt5-base.

Intended uses & limitations



Metric Value
ROUGE-1 37.70
ROUGE-2 11.22
ROUGE-L 24.37


If you use our model, please cite the following paper:

@inproceedings {HunSum-1,
    title = {{HunSum-1: an Abstractive Summarization Dataset for Hungarian}},
	booktitle = {XIX. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2023)},
	year = {2023},
	publisher = {Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet},
	address = {Szeged, Magyarország},
	author = {Barta, Botond and Lakatos, Dorina and Nagy, Attila and Nyist, Mil{\'{a}}n Konor and {\'{A}}cs, Judit},
	pages = {231--243}