stable-diffusion text-to-image diffusers digital-arts

LotusBubbleArt Diffusion


This model is using Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0, NOT creativeml-openrail-m. This model, and its derivatives is NOT to be used commercially in any forms.

Official description: "This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."

More information on the license here.

This is a SDV1.5 model trained on Lydia Elaine's, aka LotusBubble, artworks. You can find her works here:

This model can make portraits decently well, with some editability, but is still somewhat restricting in its capability. Scenaries and objects are pretty much random, and I haven't check animals. There is a very slim chance of me updating this model in the future, but it is possible.

To reference the art style, use the token: ltsbbl style


We support a Gradio Web UI to run LotusBubbleArt_Diffusion: Open In Spaces

Portraits Lotus1.png Lotus5.png Lotus7.png Lotus4.png Lotus6.png Lotus2.png Lotus3.png

Prompt used: girl/guy/man in ltsbbl style negative: blurry Guidance: 6 Steps: 50 using DDIM

Landscape Lotus8.png




Thanks for checking out the model!