I'll preface this by saying that I have no idea what I'm doing. Also, this is by no means a complete or perfect model. But after many tries I'm at a point where I'm happy with sharing some pictures and an early version for you to try out.

Classic Negative (SD 1.5)

Example With Classic Negative I tried to train a model with DreamBooth which closely mimics my style of photography. Its name comes from a built in camera profile in Fujifilm cameras, "Classic Negative". I use a modified version of this profile in basically all of my photos. To mimic my style, the model must achieve the following:


For training I used 100 of my personal images, consisting mainly of environmental portraits and photos of my dog, some macro and some landscape shots. The model is probably biased towards forests and garden pictures, since that's where I took the majority of my photos. It seems to be on the verge of being overfitted, in some generated pictures I could clearly make out the general structure of my backyard. The captions were written manually for all of the photos. Nothing too complicated, here's an example: https://i.imgur.com/prf8VxS.png

I trained for 1800 steps with a learning rate of 1e-5 and 350 text encoder steps using TheLastBen's Fast DreamBooth ipynb.

Prompts & Parameters

The prompts I tried so far are very simple. The activation token is classicnegative

Parameters: Euler A, CFG Scale 7, 30 Steps, 860x360px

I then went seed hunting. Although in a batch of 4 there was at least one usable picture so far. If a good picture was generated, I set the same seed and ran it again with Hires. fix enabled (which takes like 3,5 minutes with my GTX 1070 for one picture).

Hires. fix Parameters: ESRGAN_4x, 30 Steps, 0.3 Denoising, Upscale by 2

I discovered this by accident, but using these settings the picture stays exactly the same and all the film photo characteristics like the grain won't get lost during upscaling. If the effect of the model is too strong, try adding tokens like sharp focus, high contrast, clarity to your prompt. Or just increase the contrast in post. But yes, sometimes it becomes a bit too much, I'll have to take a look into it for a future revision.

What's next

Please feel free to try the model out, test its limitations and if you have any advice on how I can create a better version of it, please let me know ;)