Urdu to English Translation

Urdu to English translation model is a Transformer model trained on IWSLT back-translated data using Faireq. This model is produced during the experimentation related to building Context-Aware NMT models for low-resourced languages such as Urdu, Hindi, Sindhi, Pashtu and Punjabi. This particular model does not contains any contextual information and it is baseline sentence-level transformer model. The evaluation is done on WMT2017 standard test set.


testset BLEU
Wmt2017 50.03

How to use model?

Load the model

model = TransformerModel.from_pretrained('path/to/model')

Set the model to evaluation mode


Perform inference

input_text = 'Hello, how are you?'

output_text = model.translate(input_text)
