

The dataset was referenced in the Smartathon competition.It's consist of 7874 images annontated with 11 classes:

The dataset highly imbalanced and contain some humman errors.

Our SEE Team Solution

  1. Convert from Pascal VOC to YOLO format
  2. Model Hyperparamter tuning
  3. Train the data on Yolov7
  4. Evaluate the model
  5. Expalin Different techniques to Automation of Data Annotation

For our solution detials: notebook

How to use

  1. You can just download file weights from the files section
  2. clone yolov7 repo !git clone https://github.com/WongKinYiu/yolov7
  3. ensure your current working directory is yolov7 then run ! pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. then run the detector script ! python detect.py --weights " model.pt path" --img 736 --conf 0.27 --source "testing image path" --save-txt