STFPM model from Anomalib fine-tuned for capsule category of the MVTec dataset. Checkpoint trained using the following notebook.

       Test metric             DataLoader 0
       image_AUROC          0.9541285037994385
      image_F1Score         0.9680365324020386
       pixel_AUROC          0.9857622385025024
      pixel_F1Score         0.4696350395679474

The main intent is to use it in samples and demos for model optimization. Here is the advantages:

Here is the code to test the checkpoint:

from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from anomalib.config import get_configurable_parameters
from import get_datamodule
from anomalib.models import get_model
from anomalib.utils.callbacks import LoadModelCallback, get_callbacks

CHECKPOINT_PATH = '~/pytorch_model.bin'


config = get_configurable_parameters(config_path="./anomalib/models/stfpm/config.yaml")
config["dataset"]["path"] = <path_to_dataset>
config['dataset']['category'] = 'capsule'

datamodule = get_datamodule(config)
datamodule.setup()  # Downloads the dataset if it's not in the specified `root` directory
datamodule.prepare_data()  # Create train/val/test/prediction sets.

model = get_model(config)

callbacks = get_callbacks(config)
load_model_callback = LoadModelCallback(weights_path=CHECKPOINT_PATH)
callbacks.insert(0, load_model_callback)

trainer = Trainer(**config.trainer, callbacks=callbacks)
trainer.test(model=model, datamodule=datamodule)