
A NER model trained on a literary dataset of the first chapter of 40 novels. The model supports the following NER class: PER, ORG and LOC.


We corrected the dataset of Dekker et al. (2019) and added LOC and ORG annotations.


If you use this model in your research, please cite:

  title	       = {{Data Augmentation for Robust Character Detection in
                  Fantasy Novels}},
  author       = {Amalvy, Arthur and Labatut, Vincent and Dufour,
  url	       = {},
  booktitle    = {{Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities
  YEAR	       = {2022},
  hal_id       = {hal-03972448},
  hal_version  = {v1},

The dataset was originally published and annotated by Dekker et al (2019):

  author       = {Dekker, N. and Kuhn, T. and van Erp, M.},
  journal      = {PeerJ Computer Science},
  title        = {Evaluating named entity recognition tools for extracting social networks from novels},
  year         = {2019},
  pages        = {e189},
  volume       = {5},
  doi          = {10.7717/peerj-cs.189},