
This is a translation model from English to Chinese and it can be consumed by Seq2SeqSharp ( You can clone Seq2SeqSharp, build it and run the model as follows:

  1. git clone
  2. cd Seq2SeqSharp
  3. dotnet build Seq2SeqSharp.sln --configuration Release
  4. cd Tools
  5. cd Seq2SeqConsole
  6. cd bin
  7. ./bin/Seq2SeqConsole -Task Test -ModelFilePath mt_enu_chs.model -InputTestFile %InputFilePath% -OutputFile %OutputFilePath% -ProcessorType %Device% -MaxSrcSentLength 220 -MaxTgtSentLength 220
  8. %InputFilePath% is English input file for translation. It's one sentence per line. It needs to be tokenized by SentencePiece encoder using enuSpm.model in this repo
  9. %OutputFilePath% is translated Chinese file output by the model. It's one sentence per line. You can decode them by SentencePiece decoder using cjkSpm.model in this repo
  10. %Device% is device type for model inference, it can be GPU, CPU and CPU_MKL(For Windows only).