text-to-image stable-diffusion

baghdadifolklore Style Dreambooth model trained by Falah.G.Salieh

It is called in Arabic (الفلكلور البغدادي ). You can visit my

blog: https://iraqprogrammer.wordpress.com/

FB: https://web.facebook.com/falahgs

Email: falahgs07@gmail.com

With Stable Diffusion, we can now create AI art generation images using trained images. In this template, we can create artistic images that represent the heritage and folklore of the city of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. portrait called the Baghdadi folklore style emanating from the heritage of Baghdad in the country of Iraq.

Sample pictures of this concept with simple and easy prompts:

any prompt and add the word baghdadifolklore style :

prompts :

a city with a crescent and a crescent on the top of it, women,birds, and a crescent above the buildings, Art & Language,baghdadifolklore art

prompts :

a city with a crescent and a crescent on the top of it, and a crescent above the buildings, Art & Language, , baghdadifolklore art

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