GitHub issues classifier (using zero shot classification)
Predicts wether a statement is a feature request, issue/bug or question
This model was trained using the Zero-shot classifier distillation method with the BART-large-mnli model as teacher model, to train a classifier on Github issues from the Github Issues Prediction dataset
As per the dataset Kaggle competition, the classifier predicts wether an issue is a bug, feature or question. After playing around with different labels pre-training I've used a different mapping of labels that yielded better predictions (see notebook here for details), labels being
- issue
- feature request
- question
Training data
- 15k of Github issues titles ("unlabeled_titles_simple.txt")
- Hypothesis used: "This request is a {}"
- Teacher model used: valhalla/distilbart-mnli-12-1
- Studend model used: distilbert-base-uncased
Agreement of student and teacher predictions: 94.82%
See this notebook for more info on feature engineering choice made
How to train using your own dataset
- Download training dataset from
- Modify and run, updating the paths to convert to a CSV
- Run with the csv file (see here for more info)
- Joe Davison and his article on Zero-Shot Learning in Modern NLP
- Jeremy Howard, and his notebook Iterate like a grandmaster