<h1 align="center">UForm</h1> <h3 align="center"> Multi-Modal Inference Library<br/> For Semantic Search Applications<br/> </h3>

UForm is a Multi-Modal Modal Inference package, designed to encode Multi-Lingual Texts, Images, and, soon, Audio, Video, and Documents, into a shared vector space! It extends the transfromers package to support Mid-fusion Models.


pip install uform


To load the model:

import uform

model = uform.get_model('unum-cloud/uform-vl-english')
model = uform.get_model('unum-cloud/uform-vl-multilingual')

To encode data:

from PIL import Image

text = 'a small red panda in a zoo'
image = Image.open('red_panda.jpg')

image_data = model.preprocess_image(image)
text_data = model.preprocess_text(text)

image_embedding = model.encode_image(image_data)
text_embedding = model.encode_text(text_data)
joint_embedding = model.encode_multimodal(image=image_data, text=text_data)

Retrieving features is also trivial:

image_features, image_embedding = model.encode_image(image_data, return_features=True)
text_features, text_embedding = model.encode_text(text_data, return_features=True)

These features can later be used to produce joint multimodal encodings faster, as the first layers of the transformer can be skipped:

joint_embedding = model.encode_multimodal(


There are two options to calculate semantic compatibility between an image and a text: Cosine Similarity and Matching Score.

Cosine Similarity

import torch.nn.functional as F

similarity = F.cosine_similarity(image_embedding, text_embedding)

The similarity will belong to the [-1, 1] range, 1 meaning the absolute match.



Matching Score

Unlike cosine similarity, unimodal embedding are not enough. Joint embedding will be needed and the resulting score will belong to the [0, 1] range, 1 meaning the absolute match.

score = model.get_matching_scores(joint_embedding)

