coreml image-to-image VAE

<h1 align="center">Core ML VAEs</h1> <hr style="height:0.5px;border-width:0;color:grey;background-color:grey"> <p align="center">Original Stable Diffusion VAEs already converted to MLMODELC</p> <p align="center"><a href="#usage">Usage</a> • <a href="#choosing-a-vae">Choosing a VAE</a> • <a href="#comparison">Comparison</a></p> <hr style="height:0.5px;border-width:0;color:grey;background-color:grey">


Download the .zip files, unpack them, and swap the .mlmodelc files with the ones found in your model folder.
Based on the version in use (split-einsum, original, original_512x768, or original_768x512), you must choose the corresponding VAE.
Always make a backup of your original files in case you don't like the new look 😉

Other Resources

If you want to convert a model yourself, you can use my SD to Core ML script.
Alternatively, already compiled models can be found here.

Choosing a VAE

