Italian Legal Named Entity Recognition (NER)
ELECTRA-based model trained to extract entities of interest from Italian civil judgments issued by the Corte Suprema di Cassazione.
The model has been fine-tuned on 9000 judgments from 2016 to 2021 (1500 per year), labeled with a combination of rule-based and manual approaches. It can be used to extract the following named entities from the text.
Tag | Italian name | English name |
RIC | ricorso | appeal |
RCR | ricorrente | petitioner |
CTR | controricorrente | respondent |
AVV | avvocato | lawyer |
CNS | consigliere | counselor |
PMI | pubblico ministero | prosecutor |
DOM | domicilio | domicile |
CDA | corte d’appello | appeal court |
SNT | sentenza | judgment |