
Table of Contents

  1. Model Summary
  2. Training
  3. Use
  4. Limitations
  5. License

Model Summary

This is an encoder-only model (i.e., bi-directionally self-attentive Transformers) trained on The Stack dataset.

We leveraged the :


We train for 100,000 steps with a global batch size of 4,096 sequences of a maximum length of 1,024 so that approximately 400B~tokens are observed. This takes roughly two days using 64 NVIDIA A100 GPUs. Details about the model architecture are reported in the table below.

Hyperparameter Value
Hidden size 768
Intermediate size 3072
Max. position embeddings 1024
Num. of attention heads 12
Num. of hidden layers 12
Attention Multi-head
Num. of parameters ≈125M


This model is trained on 86 programming languages from GitHub code including GitHub issues and Git Commits, and can be efficiently fine-tuned for both code- and text-related tasks. We fine-tuned on a token classification task to detect PII and have released StaPII model.


There are limitations to consider when using StarEncoder. It is an encoder-only model, which limits its flexibility in certain code generation or completion tasks, and it was trained on data containing PII, which could pose privacy concerns. Performance may vary across the 80+ supported programming languages, particularly for less common ones, and the model might struggle with understanding domains outside programming languages.


The model is licensed under the BigCode OpenRAIL-M v1 license agreement. You can find the full agreement here.