CelebA Spanish celebFaces Attributes

Sent2vec trained with data from the descriptive text corpus of the CelebA dataset



Sent2vec can be used directly for English texts. For this purpose, all you have to do is download the library and enter the text to be coded, since most of these algorithms were trained using English as the original language. However, since this work is used with text in Spanish, it has been necessary to train it from zero in this new language. This training was carried out using the generated corpus (in this respository) with the following process:

In this context, the total training time lasted 7 hours working with all CPUs at maximum performance. As a result, it generates a bin extension file which can be downloaded from this repository.

How to use

Download the model, as a result there is a sent2vec_celebAEs-UNI.bin file which will be loaded using the sent2vec library in Python as follows:

import sent2vec
s2vmodel = sent2vec.Sent2vecModel()
caption = """El hombre luce una sombra a las 5 en punto. Su cabello es de color negro. Tiene una nariz grande con cejas tupidas. El hombre se ve atractivo"""
vector =  s2vmodel.embed_sentence(caption)


As a result, the encoder will generate a numeric vector whose dimension is 4800.

>>$ print(vector)
>>$ [[0.1,0.87,0.51,........0.7]]
>>$ len(vector[0])
>>$ 4800

To see detailed information on the use of the trained model, enter the following link

Licensing information

This model is available under the CC BY-NC 4.0.

Citation information

Citing: If you used Sent2vec+CelebA model in your work, please cite the ????:

<!--```bib @article{inffus_TINTO, title = {A novel deep learning approach using blurring image techniques for Bluetooth-based indoor localisation}, journal = {Information Fusion}, author = {Reewos Talla-Chumpitaz and Manuel Castillo-Cara and Luis Orozco-Barbosa and Raúl García-Castro}, volume = {91}, pages = {173-186}, year = {2023}, issn = {1566-2535}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2022.10.011} }

## Autors
- [Eduardo Yauri Lozano](https://github.com/eduar03yauri)
- [Manuel Castillo-Cara](https://github.com/manwestc)
- [Raúl García-Castro](https://github.com/rgcmme)

[*Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería*](https://www.uni.edu.pe/), [*Ontology Engineering Group*](https://oeg.fi.upm.es/), [*Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.*](https://www.upm.es/internacional)

## Contributors
See the full list of contributors [here](https://github.com/eduar03yauri/DCGAN-text2face-forSpanish).

<kbd><img src="https://www.uni.edu.pe/images/logos/logo_uni_2016.png" alt="Universidad Politécnica de Madrid" width="100"></kbd>
<kbd><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oeg-upm/TINTO/main/assets/logo-oeg.png" alt="Ontology Engineering Group" width="100"></kbd> 
<kbd><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oeg-upm/TINTO/main/assets/logo-upm.png" alt="Universidad Politécnica de Madrid" width="100"></kbd>