espnet audio text-to-speech

This model was trained by ftshijt using thchs30/tts1 recipe in <a href="">espnet</a>. <p> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Python API</strong><pre><code class="language-python">See</code></pre></li> <li><strong>Evaluate in the recipe</strong><pre> <code class="language-bash">Please see ESPNet for how to use pre-trained model </pre></li> <li><strong>Config</strong><pre><code>config: conf/train.yaml print_config: false log_level: INFO dry_run: false iterator_type: sequence output_dir: exp/tts_train_raw_phn_pypinyin_g2p_phone ngpu: 1 seed: 0 num_workers: 1 num_att_plot: 3 dist_backend: nccl dist_init_method: env:// dist_world_size: null dist_rank: null local_rank: 0 dist_master_addr: null dist_master_port: null dist_launcher: null multiprocessing_distributed: false unused_parameters: false sharded_ddp: false cudnn_enabled: true cudnn_benchmark: false cudnn_deterministic: true collect_stats: false write_collected_feats: false max_epoch: 500 patience: null val_scheduler_criterion: