Cometrain AutoCode Cometrain AlphaML


Model based on ruGPT-3 for generating scientific paper titles. Trained on All NeurIPS (NIPS) Papers dataset. Use exclusively as a crazier alternative to SCIgen.

Made with Cometrain AlphaML & AutoCode

This model was automatically fine-tuned using the Cometrain AlphaML framework and tested with CI/CD pipeline made by Cometrain AutoCode

Cometrain AlphaML command

$ cometrain create --name neurotitle --model auto --task task_0x2231.txt --output transformers

Use with Transformers

from transformers import pipeline, set_seed
generator = pipeline('text-generation', model="CometrainResearch/neurotitle-rugpt3-small")
generator("BERT:", max_length=50)