Model Details

We take the instruction-tuned Flan models (trained on Academic datasets) and perform style transfer using the Alpaca dataset.

We released the code for LORA fine-tuning Seq2Seq models along with code walkthrough medium article here:

We fine-tuned the google/flan-ul2 model on the Alpaca dataset using PEFT-LORA.


How to Use

import torch
from transformers import pipeline

# Chose the model inference precision
dtype = torch.float16 # options are torch.float16, torch.bfloat16, torch.float32

model = pipeline(
    model = "VMware/flan-ul2-alpaca-lora",
    device_map = 'auto',


output = model(prompt, max_length=2048, do_sample=True)

Using Alpaca prompt template might generate better outputs for certain prompts as the model was trained using the bellow template.

# Chose the model inference precision
import torch
from transformers import pipeline

dtype = torch.float16 # options are torch.float16, torch.bfloat16, torch.float32
model = pipeline(model="VMware/flan-ul2-alpaca-lora",device_map = 'auto',torch_dtype=dtype )

prompt_template = """
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.

### Instruction:

### Response:"""


output = model(prompt_template.format(instruction=prompt), max_length=2048)

Training Details

The model was trained on 3xV100 GPUs using PEFT-LORA and Deepspeed

Limitations and Bias

The model is based on a large and diverse dataset, but it may still have limitations and biases in certain areas. Some limitations include:

In addition, the model may have some bias in terms of the data it was trained on. The dataset includes questions from a variety of sources, but it may not be representative of all populations or perspectives. As a result, the model may perform better or worse for certain types of questions or on certain types of texts.