azbert pretraining fill-mask


This repository is a boilerplate to push a mask-filling model to the HuggingFace Model Hub.

Upload to huggingface

Download your tokenizer, model checkpoints, and optionally the training logs (events.out.*) to the ./ckpt directory (do not include any large files except pytorch_model.bin and log files events.out.*).

Optionally, test model using the MLM task:

pip install pya0 # for math token preprocessing
# testing local checkpoints:
python ./ckpt/math-tokenizer ./ckpt/2-2-0/encoder.ckpt
# testing Model Hub checkpoints:
python approach0/coco-mae-220 approach0/coco-mae-220

Modify the test examples in test.txt to play with it. The test file is tab-separated, the first column is additional positions you want to mask for the right-side sentence (useful for masking tokens in math markups). A zero means no additional mask positions.

To upload to huggingface, use the script. Before runnig this script, be sure to check: