Korean BERT Model base weight - v1

This model is the Korean implementation of bert model. The license is as follows. It is used as a base for various purposes. Pretrained models and Tokenizers related to KOBERT comply with the apache2.0 license according to the license of the dependency package.

Quick Start

import torch
from transformers import BertModel
model = BertModel.from_pretrained('danielpark/kobert-base-v1')
text = "SKT의 KOBERT를 base로 사용합니다."
inputs = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus([text])
out = model(input_ids = torch.tensor(inputs['input_ids']),
              attention_mask = torch.tensor(inputs['attention_mask']))
torch.Size([1, 768])


[1] documentation https://sktelecom.github.io/project/kobert/ <BR> [2] github https://github.com/SKTBrain/KoBERT