stable-diffusion text-to-image image-to-image

SDArt : Alice in Diffusion Land (version based on 1.5)



“Alice falls down the rabbit hole and enters a digital dream”

Model description

This is a model related to the "Picture of the Week" contest on Stable Diffusion discord.

I try to make a model out of all the submission for people to continue enjoy the theme after the even, and see a little of their designs in other people's creations. The token stays "SDArt" and I balance the learning on the low side, so that it doesn't just replicate creations.

The total dataset is made of 47 pictures. It was trained on Stable diffusion 1.5. I used EveryDream to do the training, 100 total repeat per picture. The pictures were tagged using the token "SDArt", and an arbitrary token I choose. The dataset is provided below, as well as a list of usernames and their corresponding token.

The recommended sampling is k_Euler_a or DPM++ 2M Karras on 20 steps, CFGS 7.5 .

The model is also available here in a version trained on 2.1 as a base.

Trained tokens

Download links




🧨 Diffusers

This model can be used just like any other Stable Diffusion model. For more information, please have a look at the Stable Diffusion.

You can also export the model to ONNX, MPS and/or FLAX/JAX.

from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
import torch

model_id = "Guizmus/SDArt_AliceInDiffusionLand"
pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
pipe ="cuda")

prompt = "SDArt isch"
image = pipe(prompt).images[0]"./SDArt.png")