Merge of huggyllama/llama-30b + kaiokendev/SuperCOT-LoRA

Supercot was trained to work with langchain prompting.

Load up locally in my custom LLM notebook that uses the Oobabooga modules to load up models:

Then you can add cells from of these other notebooks for testing:

From Koikendev Lora page


This LoRA is compatible with any 7B, 13B or 30B 4-bit quantized LLaMa model, including ggml quantized converted bins


You should prompt the LoRA the same way you would prompt Alpaca or Alpacino:

Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.

### Instruction:

### Input:
<any additional context. Remove this if it's not neccesary>

### Response:
<make sure to leave a single new-line here for optimal results>

Remember that with lower parameter sizes, the structure of the prompt becomes more important. The same prompt worded differently can give wildly different answers. Consider using the following suggestion suffixes to improve output quality:

Coming Soon