codeT5 summarization python

I'm tuning with Peft, LoRA and a dataset downstream is explanation from around ~2k Leetcode problems on CodeT5-base-multi-sum base model

Given a solution of two sum problem

This is what I expected:

This code defines a function called twoSum that takes an array of integers array and a target integer target as arguments, and returns a list of two integers which are the indices of two numbers in the array that add up to the target.

The function uses a hashmap to store each number in the array as a key and its index as a value. It then loops through the array using the enumerate function, which returns a tuple of the index and value of each element in the array.

For each element num in the array, the function calculates the complement by subtracting it from the target. It then checks if the complement is already in the hashmap. If it is, the function returns a list containing the index of the complement and the current index of num.

If the complement is not in the hashmap, the function adds num to the hashmap with its index as the value.

If no two numbers in the array add up to the target, the function returns an empty list.

And this is what I get:

This function is a function that calculates the two - sum of the two - sums of the two - sums and returns the two - sums. :disappointed:

Anyone has any clue about how can i tune any LLM to the first one, please, please contact me via Community

Thank you guys in advance !!