
Model Card for Model ID

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This modelcard aims to be a base template for new models. It has been generated using this raw template.

Model Details

Model Description

Model Card: Bug Classification Algorithm

Purpose: To classify software bugs according to their clarity, relevance, and readability using a revamped dataset of historical bugs.

Model Type: Machine Learning Model (Supervised Learning)

Dataset Information:

Historical Software Bugs Dataset Split into training and validation sets - Training Data consists of approximately 80% of data and validation/testing data comprises of the remaining 20%. Each example contains features including descriptions of software bugs along with human annotations specifying whether they were clear, relevant, and readable. Features Extracted:

Models Trained:

Naive Bayes Classifier Random Forest Classifier Gradient Boosting Classifier Neural Networks with Convolutional Layers Hyperparameter tuning techniques: Cross-validation, Grid Search and Random Search applied to each model architecture.

Metrics Used For Evaluation:

Accuracy Score: Fraction of correctly predicted examples out of total examples. Precision: Ratio of correct positive predictions over all positive predictions made by the model. Recall: Ratio of true positives found among actual positives. F1 score: Harmonic mean of precision and recall indicating