ctranslate2 translation

# Fast-Inference with Ctranslate2

Speedup inference by 2x-8x using int8 inference in C++

quantized version of Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr

pip install hf-hub-ctranslate2>=1.0.0 ctranslate2>=3.13.0

Converted using

ct2-transformers-converter --model Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr --output_dir /home/michael/tmp-ct2fast-opus-mt-en-fr --force --copy_files README.md generation_config.json tokenizer_config.json vocab.json source.spm .gitattributes target.spm --quantization float16

Checkpoint compatible to ctranslate2 and hf-hub-ctranslate2

from hf_hub_ctranslate2 import TranslatorCT2fromHfHub, GeneratorCT2fromHfHub
from transformers import AutoTokenizer

model_name = "michaelfeil/ct2fast-opus-mt-en-fr"
# use either TranslatorCT2fromHfHub or GeneratorCT2fromHfHub here, depending on model.
model = TranslatorCT2fromHfHub(
        # load in int8 on CUDA
outputs = model.generate(
    text=["How do you call a fast Flan-ingo?", "User: How are you doing?"],

Licence and other remarks:

This is just a quantized version. Licence conditions are intended to be idential to original huggingface repo.

Original description



testset BLEU chr-F
newsdiscussdev2015-enfr.en.fr 33.8 0.602
newsdiscusstest2015-enfr.en.fr 40.0 0.643
newssyscomb2009.en.fr 29.8 0.584
news-test2008.en.fr 27.5 0.554
newstest2009.en.fr 29.4 0.577
newstest2010.en.fr 32.7 0.596
newstest2011.en.fr 34.3 0.611
newstest2012.en.fr 31.8 0.592
newstest2013.en.fr 33.2 0.589
Tatoeba.en.fr 50.5 0.672