exbert security cybersecurity cyber security threat hunting threat intelligence


This is the pretrained model presented in SecBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Cyber Security Text, which is a BERT model trained on cyber security text.

The training corpus was papers taken from

SecBERT has its own wordpiece vocabulary (secvocab) that's built to best match the training corpus.

We trained SecBERT and SecRoBERTa versions.

Available models include:

Fill Mask

We proposed to build language model which work on cyber security text, as result, it can improve downstream tasks (NER, Text Classification, Semantic Understand, Q&A) in Cyber Security Domain.

First, as below shows Fill-Mask pipeline in Google Bert, AllenAI SciBert and our SecBERT .

<!-- <img src="./fill-mask-result.png" width="150%" height="150%"> -->


The original repo can be found here.