bertopic summcomparer document_text


This is a BERTopic model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets.



To use this model, please install BERTopic:

pip install -U bertopic safetensors

You can use the model as follows:

from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic.load("pszemraj/BERTopic-summcomparer-gauntlet-v0p1-all-roberta-large-v1-document_text")


Topic overview

<details> <summary>Click here for an overview of all topics.</summary>

Topic ID Topic Keywords Topic Frequency Label
-1 clustering - convolutional - neural - hierarchical - autoregressive 11 -1_clustering_convolutional_neural_hierarchical
0 betty - door - her - gillis - room 15 0_betty_door_her_gillis
1 frozen - anna - snow - hans - elsa 241 1_frozen_anna_snow_hans
2 closeup - shot - viewpoint - umpire - camera 211 2_closeup_shot_viewpoint_umpire
3 dory - gill - coral - marlin - ocean 171 3_dory_gill_coral_marlin
4 operations - structure - operation - theory - interpretation 60 4_operations_structure_operation_theory
5 spatial - identity - movement - identities - noir 59 5_spatial_identity_movement_identities
6 vocabulary - words - topic - text - topics 45 6_vocabulary_words_topic_text
7 encoder - captions - embeddings - decoder - caption 40 7_encoder_captions_embeddings_decoder
8 saw - hounds - smiled - had - hunt 26 8_saw_hounds_smiled_had
9 learning - assignment - data - research - project 22 9_learning_assignment_data_research
10 cogvideo - videos - videogpt - video - clips 21 10_cogvideo_videos_videogpt_video
11 lstm - recurrent - encoder - seq2seq - neural 18 11_lstm_recurrent_encoder_seq2seq
12 improve - next - do - going - good 17 12_improve_next_do_going
13 vocoding - spectrogram - enhancement - melspectrogram - audio 14 13_vocoding_spectrogram_enhancement_melspectrogram
14 probabilities - tagging - probability - words - gram 12 14_probabilities_tagging_probability_words
15 convolutional - segmentation - superpixel - convolutions - superpixels 12 15_convolutional_segmentation_superpixel_convolutions




Training hyperparameters

Framework versions