
The model used to predict whether an image is generated by AI techniques, mainly diffusion models. Please note that this model is trained on crawled data, and its predictions should be used for reference purposes only. It should not be used to determine the source or origin of an image.

Model FLOPs Accuracy Confusion Matrix Description
caformer_s36_plus_sce 22.10G 97.54% Confusion Matrix Model: caformer_s36.sail_in22k_ft_in1k_384 pratrained from timm
mobilenetv3_sce 0.63G 93.20% Confusion Matrix Model: mobilenetv3_large_100 from timm
mobilenetv3_sce_dist 0.63G 95.65% Confusion Matrix Distillated from caformer_s36_plus_sce, using mobilenetv3_large_100