mms vits

Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) : Text-to-Speech Models

This repository contains a collection of text-to-speech (TTS) models, offering support for over 1000 languages. These models are part of Facebook's Massively Multilingual Speech project, aiming to provide speech technology across a diverse range of languages.

Table Of Contents


For detailed instructions on utilizing the models, please refer to the fairseq docs. Additionally, you can explore the models on MMS Space available on HuggingFace.

models folder consists of only generator, which is enough to run TTS inference. Full model checkpoint which also includes the discriminator and the optimizer states can be found in full_models folder. The models can be downloaded locally using hf_hub_download API.

See this section for instructions on using the models for inference.

Supported Languages

This model supports 1107 languages. Unclick the following to toogle all supported languages of this checkpoint in ISO 639-3 code. You can find more details about the languages and their ISO 639-3 codes in the MMS Language Coverage Overview. <details> <summary>Click to toggle</summary>


Model details

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