
Financial Sentiment Analysis with BERT for Borsa Istanbul (BIST100)

Links to resources

Link to the Repository

Link to the Prelabeled Data

Link to the True Labeled Data

Additional Notes

Data Gathering

Data Preprocessing

Model Training


Quick File Explanations in The repository

Below are quick explanation about what every code does, the workings of the python code could be understood more by looking at the comments in each code. This explanations can also be found in our repository

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Extracting Text

.Json Labeling

After text extraction the output .json files were processed by dividing them by BIST-100 values such that, if a text was published while BIST-100 had a negative change the processed text was put into the negative folder else it was put into the positive folder, these folders would serve as the labeled data for our machine learning model

True Labeling

Model Training
