audio speech wav2vec2 pt portuguese-speech-corpus automatic-speech-recognition speech PyTorch hf-asr-leaderboard

Wav2vec 2.0 With Open Brazilian Portuguese Datasets v2

This a the demonstration of a fine-tuned Wav2vec model for Brazilian Portuguese using the following datasets:

These datasets were combined to build a larger Brazilian Portuguese dataset. All data was used for training except Common Voice dev/test sets, that were used for validation/test respectively.

The original model was fine-tuned using fairseq. This notebook uses a converted version of the original one.

NOTE: The common voice test reports 10% of WER, however, this model was trained using all the validated instances of Common Voice, except the instances of the test set. This means that some speakers of the train set can be present on the test set.

Imports and dependencies

!pip install datasets
!pip install jiwer
!pip install torchaudio
!pip install transformers
!pip install soundfile
import torchaudio
from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric
from transformers import (
import torch
import re
import sys


chars_to_ignore_regex = '[\,\?\.\!\;\:\"]'  # noqa: W605
wer = load_metric("wer")
device = "cuda"
model_name = 'lgris/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-open-brazilian-portuguese-v2'
model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained(model_name).to(device)
processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained(model_name)
def map_to_pred(batch):
    features = processor(batch["speech"], sampling_rate=batch["sampling_rate"][0], padding=True, return_tensors="pt")
    input_values =
    attention_mask =
    with torch.no_grad():
        logits = model(input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask).logits
    pred_ids = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1)
    batch["predicted"] = processor.batch_decode(pred_ids)
    batch["predicted"] = [pred.lower() for pred in batch["predicted"]]
    batch["target"] = batch["sentence"]
    return batch


Test against Common Voice (In-domain)

dataset = load_dataset("common_voice", "pt", split="test", data_dir="./cv-corpus-6.1-2020-12-11")

resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(orig_freq=48_000, new_freq=16_000)

def map_to_array(batch):
    speech, _ = torchaudio.load(batch["path"])
    batch["speech"] = resampler.forward(speech.squeeze(0)).numpy()
    batch["sampling_rate"] = resampler.new_freq
    batch["sentence"] = re.sub(chars_to_ignore_regex, '', batch["sentence"]).lower().replace("’", "'")
    return batch
ds =
result =, batched=True, batch_size=1, remove_columns=list(ds.features.keys()))
print(wer.compute(predictions=result["predicted"], references=result["target"]))
for pred, target in zip(result["predicted"][:10], result["target"][:10]):
    print(pred, "|", target) 

Result: 10.69%

Test against TEDx (Out-of-domain)

!gdown --id 1HJEnvthaGYwcV_whHEywgH2daIN4bQna
!tar -xf tedx.tar.gz
dataset = load_dataset('csv', data_files={'test': 'test.csv'})['test']

def map_to_array(batch):
    speech, _ = torchaudio.load(batch["path"])
    batch["speech"] = speech.squeeze(0).numpy()
    batch["sampling_rate"] = resampler.new_freq
    batch["sentence"] = re.sub(chars_to_ignore_regex, '', batch["sentence"]).lower().replace("’", "'")
    return batch
ds =
result =, batched=True, batch_size=1, remove_columns=list(ds.features.keys()))
print(wer.compute(predictions=result["predicted"], references=result["target"]))
for pred, target in zip(result["predicted"][:10], result["target"][:10]):
    print(pred, "|", target) 

Result: 34.53%