summarization azureml azure codecarbon bart


This model was trained using Microsoft's Azure Machine Learning Service. It was fine-tuned on the samsum corpus from facebook/bart-large checkpoint.

Usage (Inference)

from transformers import pipeline
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="linydub/bart-large-samsum")

input_text = '''
    Henry: Hey, is Nate coming over to watch the movie tonight?
    Kevin: Yea, he said he'll be arriving a bit later at around 7 since he gets off of work at 6. Have you taken out the garbage yet?
    Henry: Oh I forgot. I'll do that once I'm finished with my assignment for my math class.
    Kevin: Yea, you should take it out as soon as possible. And also, Nate is bringing his girlfriend.
    Henry: Nice, I'm really looking forward to seeing them again.

Fine-tune on AzureML

Deploy to Azure Visualize

More information about the fine-tuning process (including samples and benchmarks):

Resource Usage

These results were retrieved from Azure Monitor Metrics. All experiments were ran on AzureML low priority compute clusters.

Key Value
Region US West 2
Compute SKU GPU Device 8 x NVIDIA V100 32GB (NVLink)
Compute Node Count 1
Run Duration 6m 48s
Compute Cost (Dedicated/LowPriority) $2.50 / $0.50 USD
Average CPU Utilization 47.9%
Average GPU Utilization 69.8%
Average GPU Memory Usage 25.71 GB
Total GPU Energy Usage 370.84 kJ

*Compute cost ($) is estimated from the run duration, number of compute nodes utilized, and SKU's price per hour. Updated SKU pricing could be found here.

Carbon Emissions

These results were obtained using CodeCarbon. The carbon emissions are estimated from training runtime only (excl. setup and evaluation runtimes).

Key Value
timestamp 2021-09-16T23:54:25
duration 263.2430217266083
emissions 0.029715544634717518
energy_consumed 0.09985062041235725
country_name USA
region Washington
cloud_provider azure
cloud_region westus2



eval_rouge1 55.0234
eval_rouge2 29.6005
eval_rougeL 44.914
eval_rougeLsum 50.464
predict_rouge1 53.4345
predict_rouge2 28.7445
predict_rougeL 44.1848
predict_rougeLsum 49.1874
Metric Value
epoch 3.0
eval_gen_len 30.6027
eval_loss 1.4327096939086914
eval_runtime 22.9127
eval_samples 818
eval_samples_per_second 35.701
eval_steps_per_second 0.306
predict_gen_len 30.4835
predict_loss 1.4501988887786865
predict_runtime 26.0269
predict_samples 819
predict_samples_per_second 31.467
predict_steps_per_second 0.269
train_loss 1.2014821151207233
train_runtime 263.3678
train_samples 14732
train_samples_per_second 167.811
train_steps_per_second 1.321
total_steps 348
total_flops 4.26008990669865e+16