Grievance Classification Model

This model classifies grievances into five distinct buckets:

Description of the Buckets

  1. Account number is not Correct: This pertains to feedback or grievances related to the bank account number not being displayed correctly on the portal for farmers.

  2. Installment not received: This pertains to feedback where the farmer has not received the installment or money for a given month.

  3. Others: This covers a broad range of other grievances including, but not limited to:

    • Gender being displayed incorrectly
    • Online application pending approval
    • Other payment-related issues
    • Problem with Aadhaar correction
    • Issue with biometric-based e-KYC
    • Issue with OTP-based e-KYC
    • Transaction failures
  4. Convo_starter: Any phrase that could be a conversation starter like 'Hi','Hello','Namasthe'

  5. Convo_ender: Any phrase that could signal the end of a conversation like 'Thank you','Goodbye'

Training code:

The code for training the model can be found here

Training Metrics

The following training metrics were observed over 15 epochs:

Epoch Loss Accuracy F1 Score
1 1.0574 0.4242 0.4202
2 0.7780 0.7500 0.6952
3 0.5212 0.8939 0.8825
4 0.3214 0.9773 0.9767
5 0.1612 1.0000 1.0000
6 0.0883 1.0000 1.0000
7 0.0592 1.0000 1.0000
8 0.0418 1.0000 1.0000
9 0.0321 1.0000 1.0000