pyannote pyannote-audio pyannote-audio-pipeline audio voice speech speaker speaker-diarization speaker-change-detection voice-activity-detection overlapped-speech-detection automatic-speech-recognition

🎹 Speaker diarization

Relies on 2.1.1: see installation instructions.


# 1. visit and accept user conditions
# 2. visit and accept user conditions
# 3. visit to create an access token
# 4. instantiate pretrained speaker diarization pipeline
from import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained("pyannote/speaker-diarization@2.1",

# apply the pipeline to an audio file
diarization = pipeline("audio.wav")

# dump the diarization output to disk using RTTM format
with open("audio.rttm", "w") as rttm:

Advanced usage

In case the number of speakers is known in advance, one can use the num_speakers option:

diarization = pipeline("audio.wav", num_speakers=2)

One can also provide lower and/or upper bounds on the number of speakers using min_speakers and max_speakers options:

diarization = pipeline("audio.wav", min_speakers=2, max_speakers=5)


Real-time factor

Real-time factor is around 2.5% using one Nvidia Tesla V100 SXM2 GPU (for the neural inference part) and one Intel Cascade Lake 6248 CPU (for the clustering part).

In other words, it takes approximately 1.5 minutes to process a one hour conversation.


This pipeline is benchmarked on a growing collection of datasets.

Processing is fully automatic:

... with the least forgiving diarization error rate (DER) setup (named "Full" in this paper):

Benchmark DER% FA% Miss% Conf% Expected output File-level evaluation
AISHELL-4 14.09 5.17 3.27 5.65 RTTM eval
Albayzin (RTVE 2022) 25.60 5.58 6.84 13.18 RTTM eval
AliMeeting (channel 1) 27.42 4.84 14.00 8.58 RTTM eval
AMI (headset mix, only_words) 18.91 4.48 9.51 4.91 RTTM eval
AMI (array1, channel 1, only_words) 27.12 4.11 17.78 5.23 RTTM eval
CALLHOME (part2) 32.37 6.30 13.72 12.35 RTTM eval
DIHARD 3 (Full) 26.94 10.50 8.41 8.03 RTTM eval
Ego4D v1 (validation) 63.99 3.91 44.42 15.67 RTTM eval
REPERE (phase 2) 8.17 2.23 2.49 3.45 RTTM eval
This American Life 20.82 2.03 11.89 6.90 RTTM eval
VoxConverse (v0.3) 11.24 4.42 2.88 3.94 RTTM eval

Technical report

This report describes the main principles behind version 2.1 of speaker diarization pipeline.
It also provides recipes explaining how to adapt the pipeline to your own set of annotated data. In particular, those are applied to the above benchmark and consistently leads to significant performance improvement over the above out-of-the-box performance.


For commercial enquiries and scientific consulting, please contact me.
For technical questions and bug reports, please check Github repository.


  Title = {{End-to-end speaker segmentation for overlap-aware resegmentation}},
  Author = {{Bredin}, Herv{\'e} and {Laurent}, Antoine},
  Booktitle = {Proc. Interspeech 2021},
  Address = {Brno, Czech Republic},
  Month = {August},
  Year = {2021},
  Title = {{ neural building blocks for speaker diarization}},
  Author = {{Bredin}, Herv{\'e} and {Yin}, Ruiqing and {Coria}, Juan Manuel and {Gelly}, Gregory and {Korshunov}, Pavel and {Lavechin}, Marvin and {Fustes}, Diego and {Titeux}, Hadrien and {Bouaziz}, Wassim and {Gill}, Marie-Philippe},
  Booktitle = {ICASSP 2020, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},
  Address = {Barcelona, Spain},
  Month = {May},
  Year = {2020},