stable-diffusion-api text-to-image ultra-realistic loli anime hentai R-18


All models are not my authors, they are on pixai, civitai, huggingface. This is just an archive in case their models are removed from the sites. And a collection of models so that the models that I use are always at hand.

New Moon Mix

Triger : loli

If you want an alternate style, try using watercolor (medium); this model is very responsive to that tag.

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Alice mix Flossie

Flossy is a fusion model capable of creating an innocent, pure and naive girl.

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Loli Diffusion V0.8.7 AnyV5 0.8M7.8 VAE PURIFIED FP16

Triger: loli

Loli Diffusion - consists of multiple model variants that each is based on different model - each model inherits capabilities and style of respective base model - some base models: Counterfeit, AbyssOrangeMixes, Anything V5, PastelMix and more - the goal is to create alternative models to popular ones with improved capabilities of generating loli characters - this model is variation to Anything V5

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Alice mix Louise

Alice mix Louise is a merge model that pairs distinctive, beautiful eyes with a beautiful and high-definition background. Its rich expressiveness can generate high-quality illustrations even with minimal prompts. Please give it a try.

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Made the hair texture realistic and added VAE without changing the composition of V1.

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The pros :

The cons :

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Yet another sweet model mix for you and me. Baked in with ClearVAE v1.1

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For nice girl

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Loli-type model.

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This model is not Only for Maids! <3 Very Good 2D Style

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Just a boring mix. Trigers : <pre style="white-space: pre-line;" class="w-full"> azhiichigo style,big eyes, thick lines,cute </pre>

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Kawaii girls generator/img2img restyler.

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Gerph style (Epoch8)

Model trained in replicating artist Gerph's artstyle. Model can be highly NSFW and is trained mainly on characters.

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This cute style model has undergone a stylization process to achieve a flat and glossy type.This model has already been integrated with VAE.

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Toonimies 2.5D

Merge Between 6 Models and Latest model Brings the Toon Style Have fun.

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<details> <summary><b>WARNING HENTAI</b></summary> <img src="" width="100%" height="100%"> </details>