ConvBERT small pre-trained on large_spanish_corpus
The ConvBERT architecture is presented in the "ConvBERT: Improving BERT with Span-based Dynamic Convolution" paper.
Metrics on evaluation set
disc_accuracy = 0.95163906
disc_auc = 0.9405496
disc_loss = 0.13658184
disc_precision = 0.80829453
disc_recall = 0.49316448
global_step = 1000000
loss = 9.12079
masked_lm_accuracy = 0.53505784
masked_lm_loss = 2.3028736
sampled_masked_lm_accuracy = 0.44047198
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
model_name = "mrm8488/convbert-small-spanish"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
Created by Manuel Romero/@mrm8488 with the support of Narrativa
Made with <span style="color: #e25555;">♥</span> in Spain