pytorch diffusers text-to-image

Chinese Diffusion Model (Anime, 512 Resolution)

简介 Brief Introduction

我们开源了一个中文 Diffusion 模型,您可以直接输入中文提示词,我们为您呈现精美的动漫风格图片。本模型的默认分辨率是 768*512(竖图)。

We release a Chinese diffusion model, which is able to generate high-quality anime images according to the prompts you input. The default resolution of this model is 768*512.

使用 Usage

本模型支持 diffusers,可以参考以下范例代码:

This model supports diffusers. Please refer to the following code:

from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

model_id = "alibaba-pai/pai-diffusion-anime-large-zh"
pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id)
pipe ="cuda")

prompt = "1个女孩,玫瑰,猫,蕾丝,音符,轻粒子"
image = pipe(prompt, height=768, width=512).images[0]"result.png")

作品展示 Gallery

prompt: 1个女孩,单人,高分辨率,腮红,看着观众,微笑,张开嘴,刘海 prompt: 1个女孩,高分辨率,金发,坐着,紫色的眼睛,蝴蝶结
prompt: 1个女孩,蓝眼睛,白色裙子,大腿,银色头发,百褶裙,天空 prompt: 1个女孩,玫瑰,猫,蕾丝,音符,轻粒子

使用须知 Notice for Use


If you want to use this model, please read this document carefully and abide by the terms.