OpenLLaMa 3B PersonaChat

This is a LoRA finetune of OpenLLaMa 3B on the personachat-truecased dataset with 3 epochs of 500 steps.


Before using this model, you must first add these extra tokens:

tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"additional_special_tokens": ["<|human|>", "<|bot|>", "<|endoftext|>"]})

The model is finetuned with the format is as follows:

 - [...]
 - [...]
<|human|>Hi there!<|endoftext|><|bot|>Hello!<|endoftext|>

To use this model, you must first define the personalities.

personalities = """Personality:
 - [...]
 - [...]

Then, follow the format:

user = input(">>> ")
prompt = f"{personalities}<|human|>{user}<|endoftext|><|bot|>"

Naming Format

[model name]-finetuned-[dataset]-e[number of epochs]-s[number of steps]

Training procedure

The following bitsandbytes quantization config was used during training:

Framework versions