FHIR Healthcare Questions

🤗 Model Card: Medical Questions Classifier

Model Details

Intended Use

The Medical Questions Classifier is designed to classify whether a given text is a medical question or a non-medical question. It can be used to filter and categorize user queries, enabling more efficient routing of questions to appropriate medical professionals or providing targeted responses.

This model is not intended for diagnosing medical conditions or providing medical advice. It should be used as a tool to assist in the organization and routing of inquiries rather than replacing professional medical expertise.

Limitations and Ethical Considerations


The Medical Questions Classifier has been evaluated using standard metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. On a held-out test set, it achieved an accuracy of [accuracy score] and an F1 score of [F1 score]. However, the performance may vary based on the specific use case and the distribution of questions in real-world applications.

Training Data

The training data consists of 25,000+ questions sourced from various medical and non-medical domains. Efforts were made to ensure diversity in question types, covering a wide range of medical conditions, symptoms, treatments, and general non-medical topics.

The training data was manually labeled by domain experts, who classified each question as either "medical" or "non-medical" based on the context and content. The labeled data was then used to train the Medical Questions Classifier using a BERT-based architecture.

Ethical Considerations


The Medical Questions Classifier is a BERT-based model trained on 16,000 medical and non-medical questions. It can help identify whether a given text is a medical question or a non-medical question, enabling efficient triaging and routing of inquiries. However, it has limitations and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical expertise. Care should be taken to address potential biases and ensure responsible data handling when using this model.