
Steerable Motion: Fine-tuning Stable Diffusion on Motion Data

Steerable Motion aims to fine-tune Stable Diffusion on Motion data in order to generate motion key frames from a single image.

We believe that Steerable Motion will be a powerful tool for artists who want to create works that match their imagination exactly. The key frames they create will be interpolated into a smooth motion - by both linear and creative interpolation models.

The early versions are built InstructPix2Pix and trained on stills from a single property in order to validate the approach.

You can see some samples from it here:

<img src=''/>

And a very early example of what this looks like animated here:

<img src=''/>

Collaborate on this project

We're looking for ML engineers, fine-tuners, artists and hackers to collaborate on this project. If you're interested, you can join our Discord here.

Test the model

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate steerable-motion

To test it, you can download the checkpoints from HuggingFace, and use the instructions below to run the code.

python --steps 100 --resolution 512 --seed 1371 --cfg-text 7.5 --cfg-image 1.2 --input input.jpg --output output.jpg --edit "she smiles happily" --ckpt checkpoints/sm_0_1_2.ckpt

Train the model

If you'd like to train the model, you can use the following command to download the checkpoints:

bash scripts/

Then, you can use the following command to train the model:

python --name default --base configs/train.yaml --train --gpus 0,1