Arabic syllables to word converter using MT5 model

This model will convert arabic syllables to full words.
The models was intented to be used after Our syllables based wav2vec model

Example :

-> input : بِاْ لِنْ نِسْ بَ تِ لِ لَسْ سُيْ يَ اِحْ مِمْ مِنْ طَ قَ تِشْ شَرْ قِلْ ءَوْ سَطْ
-> output :بِالنِسْبَةِ لِلسُنْيَاح مِن مِنْطَقَةِ الشَرْق الأَوْسَط

To use the model ,the input needs special preprocessing steps.

Please refer to this notebook for further details : Syllable to text example