
Warning: There are some problems with the tokenizer of this model, which will be corrected in the next version of the model (chat-informer-1b).

We are honored to introduce a lightweight Chinese-English conversation assistant designed to reduce the cost of inference. It is trained from scratch, based on the LLAMA2 architecture, with 150 million parameters and a completely new vocabulary. The training process consists of two parts: (1) NTP task. (2) Instruction tuning. The model improves data quality for pre-training and instruction tuning.

Human: Paraphrasing the  sentence: I love you.
Assistant: Sure, I love you.

Bibtex entry and citation info

Please cite if you find it helpful.

  title={MetaAID 2.0: An Extensible Framework for Developing Metaverse Applications via Human-controllable Pre-trained Models},
  author={Zhu, Hongyin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.13173},

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