llama eleutherai llama-2

It had to be done.

Sample of data:

Hyperion: when it's dysfunctional you just yolo deploy into prod

Fleetwood: remove the middle clause - fuck loyalty to ~~ companies~~ most companies

Zippy: nono- like- it's more that- it works, but- there needs to be a dude who understands it and can move it to new servers, or make small patches for new functionality, etc-...

⭐ 1 <:sus:869276863414014052> 1 <:guilty:745897670534627369> 2 AI_WAIFU: oh and if you fuck up the wrong system you may get dragged to washington DC to explain what happened

also sorry about the reaction formatting having the IDs in it I didn't realize how annoying that would be with Llama's tokenizer :c