
Experimental ReLoRA-trained model using the OpenPlatypus dataset. Ran for one epoch, with three lora restarts.

Not recommended for use yet. Mostly tossing this up for testing.

Base model was llama2-22b-blocktriangular.

Relevant training parameters:

adapter: qlora
load_in_4bit: true
lora_r: 32
lora_alpha: 16
lora_dropout: 0.001
lora_target_linear: true
relora_steps: 150
relora_warmup_steps: 10
gradient_accumulation_steps: 2
micro_batch_size: 3

Uses the same prompt format as Ypotryll-22b. Prefix messages with " ***System:", " ***Query:", or " ***Response:", paying attention to whitespace.

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