gpt2 transformer pre-training

gpt2-elite: Elevating Language Generation with a Specialized Dataset

Welcome to the gpt2-elite repository! This project uses the renowned GPT-2 model to enhance language generation by fine-tuning it on a meticulously curated domain-specific dataset. The outcome is a finely tuned language generation model capable of producing exceptional text in a range of contexts.



Here are a few examples showcasing the prowess of gpt2-elite:


Contributions to gpt2-elite are highly appreciated! If you have ideas for enhancements, encounter issues, or wish to expand the model's capabilities, please submit a pull request.


gpt2-elite was developed by MustEr. We extend our gratitude to the Hugging Face team for their invaluable contributions to open-source projects.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to reach out with questions, feedback, or collaboration proposals. Enjoy generating text with gpt2-elite!