
Model Card: Nines Chat Model


Name: Nines Chat Model
Model Type: Chatbot
Base Framework: Llama 2
Functionality: Text completion, text generation in specified format


Nines is a chatbot designed to provide interactive and engaging text-based conversations. Built on top of the Llama 2 framework, Nines specializes in responding to prompts in a specific format. It excels in completing text based on the provided prompts, enhancing communication and generating contextually relevant content.

Use Cases



Ethical Considerations

Nines is designed to provide respectful and contextually relevant responses within the specified prompt format. It adheres to ethical guidelines by avoiding harmful, offensive, or inappropriate content.

Model Training

Nines has been trained on the Llama 2 framework, focusing on understanding and generating coherent responses to structured prompts. It learns from a diverse dataset to ensure versatile and accurate conversation generation.


Nines is a responsive chatbot built upon the Llama 2 framework, specializing in completing text based on structured prompts. Its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant content enhances interactive conversations and creative writing experiences. Users can enjoy engaging with Nines within the specified format for prompt-based interactions.