Model Card for Model ID

<!-- Based on, model generates SQL from text given table list with "CREATE TABLE" statements. This is a very light weigh model and could be used in multiple analytical applications. -->

Based on google/mobilebert-uncased (MobileBERT is a thin version of BERT_LARGE, while equipped with bottleneck structures and a carefully designed balance between self-attentions and feed-forward networks). This model detects SQLInjection attacks in the input string (check How To Below). This is a very very light model (100mb) and can be used for edge computing use cases. Used dataset from Kaggle called SQl_Injection. Please test the model before deploying into any environment. Contact us for more info:

Model Details

Model Description

<!-- Provide a longer summary of what this model is. -->

Model Sources

<!-- Provide the basic links for the model. -->

Please refer google/mobilebert-uncased for Model Sources.

How to Get Started with the Model

Use the code below to get started with the model.

import torch
from transformers import MobileBertTokenizer, MobileBertForSequenceClassification

device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
tokenizer = MobileBertTokenizer.from_pretrained('google/mobilebert-uncased')
model = MobileBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('cssupport/mobilebert-sql-injection-detect')

def predict(text):
    inputs = tokenizer(text, padding=False, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt', max_length=512)
    input_ids = inputs['input_ids'].to(device)
    attention_mask = inputs['attention_mask'].to(device)

    with torch.no_grad():
        outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)

    logits = outputs.logits
    probabilities = torch.softmax(logits, dim=1)
    predicted_class = torch.argmax(probabilities, dim=1).item()
    return predicted_class, probabilities[0][predicted_class].item()

#text = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' AND password = 'password';"
#text = "select * from users where username = 'admin' and password = 'password';"
#text = "SELECT * from USERS where id  =  '1' or @ @1  =  1 union select 1,version  (    )   -- 1'"
#text = "select * from data where id  =  '1'  or @"
text ="select * from users where id  =  1 or 1#\"?  =  1 or 1  =  1 -- 1"
predicted_class, confidence = predict(text)

if predicted_class > 0.7:
    print("Prediction: SQL Injection Detected")
    print("Prediction: No SQL Injection Detected")
print(f"Confidence: {confidence:.2f}")
# Prediction: SQL Injection Detected
# Confidence: 1.00


<!-- Address questions around how the model is intended to be used, including the foreseeable users of the model and those affected by the model. -->

[More Information Needed]

Direct Use

<!-- This section is for the model use without fine-tuning or plugging into a larger ecosystem/app. --> Could used in application where natural language is to be converted into SQL queries. [More Information Needed]

Out-of-Scope Use

<!-- This section addresses misuse, malicious use, and uses that the model will not work well for. -->

[More Information Needed]

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

<!-- This section is meant to convey both technical and sociotechnical limitations. -->

[More Information Needed]


<!-- This section is meant to convey recommendations with respect to the bias, risk, and technical limitations. -->

Users (both direct and downstream) should be made aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the model. More information needed for further recommendations.

Technical Specifications

Model Architecture and Objective


Compute Infrastructure


one P6000 GPU


Pytorch and HuggingFace